Born in Sapporo City. Worked for an apparel manufacturer in Tokyo and in 2007, after working in the service industry, joined a company that provides business consulting and individual counselling. In 2009, embarked on a journey around the world with her husband. Has visited over 70 countries along the way, and continues to practice yoga, meditation and healing. While travelling the world experienced living in both big cities and in nature and realized the importance of the balance between obtaining and letting go. Advocates the “importance of returning to who you really are” in a hurried modern civilization where one tends to lose oneself.
札幌市出身。20歳の時にNYで初めての海外生活を体験。帰国後、イベントオーガナイザー、フルコミッションのダイレクトセールスを経て、成功哲学を活用したライフコンサルタント企業のチーフインストラクターを務める。Kumikoとは初めてのデートでプロポーズして20日後に入籍。その後、無期限世界一周へ出発し、3年以上に及ぶ長い旅を経験。世界で得た気付きを元に夫婦のパートナーシップの大切さと、旅と人生の話を伝える“Share Happiness Project”を展開中。
Born in Sapporo City. At the age of 20, lived abroad for the first time in Manhattan, NY. On his return to Japan, worked as an event organiser, in full-commission direct sales and as a chief instructor for a life consultancy company that utilized the philosophy of success. Asked Kumiko to marry him on the first date and got married 20 days later. They later embarked on a journey around the world for an indefinite period and travelled for over three years. Is currently engaged in the “Share Happiness Project” to tell the story of the importance of partnership between husband and wife, their travels and life based on realisations he gained in the world.
Share small happiness and transmute them into great joys.